Friday, November 12, 2010

Cloudstock: The Woodstock for Cloud Developers | Cloudstock, a free industry developer conference to explore leading-edge cloud technologies and platforms.

Cloudstock: The Woodstock for Cloud Developers | Cloudstock, a free industry developer conference to explore leading-edge cloud technologies and platforms.: "Often innovation and agility is hampered by non technical issues like complex business processes with a lot of red tapes, fullfillment issues, procurement delays, or simply the cost of building an infrastructure. By combining the eBay eCommerce APIs, the Paypal payment APIs, with new cloud computing platforms, developers can more freely innovate by leveraging the following key cloud properties:

Self Service user experience with delegated administration model. Cloud is empowering developers by giving them the capability to react quickly to changing business conditions, and go live much faster. They can deploy code more often, on their schedule, and tune their application capacity to adapt better to user demand.

Infinite capacity. On the cloud, developers should get the illusion of infinite compute capacity, removing traditional physical datacenter boundaries. Resources can be flexed on demand, or automatically to react to load characteristics."

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